Hello Lovelies… 

Joe here. Thought I’d throw 5 things together for you to think about when organising your party. Whatever reason you are getting together, make it special. 


1. Think about your guests Journey!

These may be your mates, and you might feel a bit embarrassed to go over the top. DON’T! More is more… and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Life, family and friendship is about making moments to remember, and if you have an opportunity to throw a party, you better make it amazing. Schedule activities throughout and ensure someone is in charge of ‘bringing the fun’.


2. Think about theming as a whole, coordinate colours (Balloons, bunting, plates etc).

This adds to the atmosphere, it brings a sense of energy, and cohesion. It shows things have been thought about. You can tie this in to costume too. A retro or nostalgic theme always goes down a treat.


3. Never underestimate the power of atmosphere.

For the first time, years ago I remember seeing the ‘air’ at a show. Sounds quite ridiculous really, I can liken it to seeing performance haze. I was fascinated by it and since then have made it a personal mission to recreate it. (Read another blog about it here) If you get the right mix of music, activity, lighting and energy in a space, this will carry the party and ensure everyone rides this energy throughout.


4. Party Games & Activities… Are a MUST.

These help break the ice, break any awkwardness or any social anxieties. It gives everyone something to do… and more importantly PLAY. We forget as adults to play, and we never give ourselves permission to play in public. Games can be nostalgic and the highlight of the party. Breaking your party up with scheduled activities will start new conversations and make memories. Go for it!


5. Consider who is keeping the energy up, hosting and managing the fun.

This shouldn’t be you… You’ll have enough to do socialising. There’s nothing worse than a party where no one is bringing the fun. All of the above can help shape the party, but a pro might just help bring that added extra.

Spicing up a party with a splash of entertainment is a great way to ensure your mates have a memorable moment. Here are some ideas to add excitement and variety to your party:


Live Walkabout Performers.

These beauts host games and fun pop up activities. They dress to impress and will walk around your party serving food, chatting to people, leading the pop up games (so you don’t have to)

… Or you tell us your idea and we will create it. 


Sports Day Party

You might be doing an outdoor party and you need an hour of a nostalgic Sports Day. Here is one of my best mates 40th Birthday’s where I created a Sunday morning (after Saturday Night 🤢)

I’m getting carried away now… One more thing and then I will shut up.


Keep an Element of Surprise

Keep an element of surprise by planning unexpected performances or activities throughout the party. This could be a flash mob, a special dance performance, or a surprise guest appearance. The walkabout characters above can do this, but we can also involve you or a few of your other friends in our flash mob. We’ll work with you right before the party.


I’m off to go and plan my 40th now! X