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All the latest news from House of MASH including events & shows, projects, goals & thoughts, opportunities and more…

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Hullabaloo Casting Call

Join the House of MASH Team for a Summer Spectacle: Hullabaloo Casting Call!Exciting news! House of MASH is bringing back our beloved outdoor show, Hullabaloo, this summer, and we're on the lookout for talented individuals to join our team and bring this magical...

5 Things to Do to Spice Up Your Party

5 Things to Do to Spice Up Your Party

Hello Lovelies…  Joe here. Thought I’d throw 5 things together for you to think about when organising your party. Whatever reason you are getting together, make it special.    1. Think about your guests Journey! These may be your mates, and you might feel a bit...

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Empowering Tomorrow’s Talent

Empowering Tomorrow’s Talent

The Importance of Supporting Freelancers and Emerging Professionals   Why Backing Freelancers is Key In today's gig-centric world, freelancers are the heartbeat of creativity and innovation. Their ability to adapt, their fresh perspectives, and their diverse...

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The Importance of Team Building in Companies

As a leading events and production company, House of MASH understands the importance of team building in companies. Team building is essential for fostering a positive work environment, promoting communication and collaboration, and improving overall productivity. In...

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Entrepreneurial vs Artistic Approach

So maybe you’re wondering how on earth you can immerse yourself in creativity, make something special and sell the hell out of it with limited funds. Is it possible to do both or do we really need that producer that we keep talking about?   Let’s explore a...

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